Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

If wishes were held on the skin and swiped by raindrops, then emotions were freeloading off the cells that made up their space. The only offering these cells ever entertained was truth, painful and raw. -
Amy Guth

Truth Quotes

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. -
Desmond Tutu

Truth Quotes

If you are you because you are you, and I am I because I am I, then you are you and I am I.If you are you because I am I, and I am I because you are you, then you and I are not. -
Menachem Mendel

Truth Quotes

If you believe in something because of miracles, then another kind of miracles can make you deny it. -
Toba Beta

Truth Quotes

If you can feel the future, then you are about to experience it. -
Toba Beta

Truth Quotes

If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail! -