Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

it takes pain to ease pain -
Jordan Gabel- Myself

Truth Quotes

It takes two to speak the truth - one to speak and another to hear. -
Henry David Thoreau

Truth Quotes

It took Descartes to deduce that God would not wish to deceive us. The world must be as it appears to be, the Frenchman deduced, because a perfect God would never wish to deceive us. Nothing has been explicable since. -
Tim Parks

Truth Quotes

It was amazing how it worked: the tiniest bit of truth made credible the greatest lies. -
Jeffrey Eugenides

Truth Quotes

It was as if love was a mix of an omnipotent force and time, which holds us together, cannot be destroyed and never dies: like the fabric of the universe. -

Truth Quotes

It would actually constitute more than a miracle, he realised. It would take divine intervention plus luck, plus some unknown element of cosmic wizardry. -
David Baldacci