Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Behind everyday reality, there is a deeper reality so cruel that it condemns to death those who crime is no greater than the pursuit of their own curiosity.("Shem-El-Nessim: An Inspiration In Perfume") -
Chris Bell

Truth Quotes

Behind the hieroglyphic streets there would either be a transcendent meaning, or only the earth. -
Thomas Pynchon

Truth Quotes

Being a good mother, it seemed to me, meant you ran the risk of losing your child. -
Jodi Picoult

Truth Quotes

Being a leader is making the people you love hate you a little more each day. -
Patrick Ness

Truth Quotes

Belief can be manipulated. Only knowledge is dangerous. -
Frank Herbert

Truth Quotes

Belief has nothing to do with facts,especially for the unbelievable facts. -
Toba Beta