Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Sometimes, we feel conscious but unable to move our body. The first thing to do is focus in a prayer, then start to wink frequently.By this way, slowly but sure our body can be moved totally by our persistent willpower. -
Toba Beta

Truth Quotes

Speak truth and believe in the power of truth, the more you will believe in yourself, the more you will see the beauty of nature and mother earth. -
Santosh Kalwar

Truth Quotes

Speak truth, and right will take care of itself. -
Jerome K. Jerome

Truth Quotes

Spoken often enough, words become [became] nonsense. -
Meredith Duran

Truth Quotes

Statistically, the probability of any one of us being here is so small that the mere fact of our existence should keep us all in a state of contented dazzlement. -
Lewis Thomas

Truth Quotes

Status will get you nowhere. Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone. -
Mitch Albom