Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Of all the weapons she had commanded, Elizabeth knew the least of love; and of all the weapons in the world, love was the most dangerous. -
Seth Grahame-Smith

Truth Quotes

Of course, he said, he who is of a certain nature, is like those who areof a certain nature; he who is not, not. -

Truth Quotes

Of one hundred persons who take up the spiritual life, eighty turn out to be charlatans, fifteen insane, and only five, maybe, get a glimpse of the real truth. Therefore beware. -
Swami Vivekananda

Truth Quotes

Old stories have a habit of being told and retold and changed. Each subsequent storyteller puts his or her mark upon it. Whatever truth the story once had is buried in bias and embellishment. The reasons do not matter as much as the story itself. -
Erin Morgenstern

Truth Quotes

Once war becomes a clash of absolutes, there is no breathing room for mercy. Absolute truth is blind truth. -
Deepak Chopra

Truth Quotes

Once you place that crown of liar on your head, you can take it off again, but it leaves a stain for all time. -
Terry Goodkind