Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Indeed a lie is often more plausible than the truth. "Almost" always. The truth, of course, is never very plausible. -
Fyodor Sologub

Truth Quotes

Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.- John 16:2 -
Holy Spirit

Truth Quotes

Instead of chasing the idea of truth, what we should be doing is embracing the medium of drawing and using it for a purpose that fulfils our needs as an artist or designer. -
Peter Stanyer

Truth Quotes

Institutionalized rejection of difference is an absolute necessity in a profit economy which needs outsiders as surplus people. -
Audre Lorde

Truth Quotes

Integrity is a bugger, it really is. Lying can get you into difficulties, but to really wind up in the crappers try telling nothing but the truth. -
David Mitchell

Truth Quotes

It always seems as though the definition of love will remain debatable by an opinionated world. -
Criss Jami