Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Truth is most beautiful undraped. -
Arthur Schopenhauer

Truth Quotes

Truth is naturally universal...and shines into many different windows, though many are clouded. -
Anya Seton

Truth Quotes

Truth is neither in the scripture nor in the words of prophets. It is in your heart, feel it, discover it and expand with it. -
Amit Ray

Truth Quotes

Truth is not exciting enough to those who depend on the characters and lives of their neighbors for all their amusement -
George Bancroft

Truth Quotes

Truth is not of this world; and they were fools who looked for her in the bottom of a well; her temple is the grave! her oracles, dust and ashes! ("The Forsaken of God") -
William Mudford

Truth Quotes

Truth is not shaped by Popular Opinion, It remains Truth. -
Chris Corl