Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Error is indeed our enemy, but it alone points to the truth and therefore deserves our respectful treatment. -
Allan Bloom

Truth Quotes

Errors do not cease to be errors simply because they’re ratified into law. -
E.A. Bucchianeri

Truth Quotes

Es gibt immer einen Punkt dabei, wo man nicht mehr weiß, ob man lügt oder ob das, was man erfunden hat, wahrer ist als man selber. -
Robert Musil

Truth Quotes

Este incredibil cât de completa( este iluzia care ne face sa( credem ca( frumuset,ea este în genere buna(tate. -
Leo Tolstoy

Truth Quotes

Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it. -
Sara Gruen

Truth Quotes

Even the strongest man must one day bow down to the masters. -
Mihkel Aleksander Jaakob Jaenes