Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Jeder Anfang trägt ein Ende in sich, jedes Aufblühen seinen Untergang. Und jeder Frühling seinen Winter. -
Veit Etzold

Truth Quotes

Just as heart is a fountain of unspoken words,the universe is a womb of wonder weird worlds. -
Toba Beta

Truth Quotes

Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society; and any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, lies under the suspicion of being no policy at all. -
Edmund Burke

Truth Quotes

Kant thought things, not because they were true, but because he was Kant. -
W. Somerset Maugham

Truth Quotes

Kitu cha kwanza kufanya kama umeamua kuficha ukweli wape watu ukweli mwingine kulinda thamani ya utu wako. -
Enock Maregesi

Truth Quotes

Kitu cha kwanza kufanya kama umeamua kuficha ukweli wape watu ukweli mwingine. -
Enock Maregesi