Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

I know you have it in you, Guy," Anne said suddenly at the end of a silence, "the capacity to be terribly happy. -
Patricia Highsmith

Truth Quotes

I like people who refuse to speak until they are ready to speak. -
Lillian Hellman

Truth Quotes

I like you," he said.He made it sound as if she was bound to disagree with him. She nodded. His face said he was telling her something very important.He said, "I mean it. Whatever happens, you have to believe that. -
Jenny Downham

Truth Quotes

I must tell you what you will not ask, though I may wish it unsaid the next moment -
Jane Austen

Truth Quotes

I never talk back. I listen and always remember your every word, so come pen or mouse, never forget that I will treasure your thoughts forever. Yours truly, Paper. -
L.M. Fields

Truth Quotes

I never thought of clothes as having a life of their own -but they do. We all wear an outer layer to hide who we really are. -
Dee White