Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Lead us toward a speech, which is as beautiful as silence, and toward a silence, which is as beautiful as the sweetest and truest of words. (119) -
Jean-Yves Leloup

Truth Quotes

Let us then, be what we are, speak what we think, and in all things keep ourselves loyal to truth. -

Truth Quotes

LIBERTY! FREEDOM! DEMOCRACY!True anyhow no matter how manyLiars use those words. -
Langston Hughes

Truth Quotes

Lies and half-truths hurt not only the liar, but the people they love most. -
Katherine Allred

Truth Quotes

Lies do not lie, truth do, In the times of any act lies lie hidden behind. -
Santosh Kalwar

Truth Quotes

Life is difficult. -
M. Scott Peck