Truth Quotes

Truth Quotes

Things that look impossible suddenly seem a lot better, once you get God on board. -
Jodi Picoult

Truth Quotes

This is how you start to get respect, by offering something that you have. -
Mitch Albom

Truth Quotes

This is the moment when something once more begins visibly to happen, something truly new and unique...something truly historical, in the sense that history again demands to be heard. -
Václav Havel

Truth Quotes

This is the power of myth: that we can experience invisible spiritual realities and truths greater than visible, material things in story form. -
John Granger

Truth Quotes

This is the trouble with all happiness - all of it is built on top of something that men want. -
Chris Cleave

Truth Quotes

This is what comes of having a heart, even a very small and young one. It causes no end of trouble, and that’s the truth. -
Catherynne M. Valente