Success Quotes

Success Quotes

Everybody has own gifts from God. You just need to seize the right time, right place and right person to be found. -
Hiroko Sakai

Success Quotes

Everybody talks about being rich, Cosmic Ordering does something about it. -
Stephen Richards

Success Quotes

Everyone that enters through Him is secured and the person shall find pastures for himself. Jesus really cares! -
Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Success Quotes

Everything is easier said than done. Wanting something is easy. Saying something is easy. The challenge and the reward are in the doing. -
Steve Maraboli

Success Quotes

Excuses are merely nails used to build a house of failure. -
Habeeb Akande

Success Quotes

Explore. Train your conscious mind and your subconscious mind to start working for you by getting those great powers to move in a new direction. Start creating your own good luck today. -
Steve Backley