Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love. -
E.A. Bucchianeri

Romance Quotes

So many people want fortune and fame but what they don’t realize is that it comes with a ton of heartache.- Ryan Christensen -
Tina Reber

Romance Quotes

So nothing! Look, I get that coming here meant you could finally do things on your own, but you are just supposed to just take sips of freedom Norah – don’t just slam it down your throat like a tequila shot! -
Angela Richardson

Romance Quotes

So please, just let me be egocentric and ask you to stay. -
Ika Natassa

Romance Quotes

Some days are better than other daysA good day is getting 10 royalties and 10 great reviews -
Ray Mathews

Romance Quotes

Some guys are worth breaking the rules for. -
Melissa Pearl