Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

I felt tears prick my eyes as I looked down at the model again, looking at that girl and boy on the curb. Forever in that place, together. -
Sarah Dessen

Romance Quotes

I felt the same way the world felt about Kurtis; It revolved around him. -
Dee Remy

Romance Quotes

I focused, rather embarrassingly, on his chest which was rising and falling slowly. I left teeth marks! -
Kyra Lennon

Romance Quotes

I generally find subtlety a waste of time. -
Cindy Gerard

Romance Quotes

I guess he’s there, deep in my subconscious, shooing other men away, keeping me single and alone." -Bouquet Toss -
Melissa Brown

Romance Quotes

I guess I like things that take time and attention. More worthwhile that way. -
Huntley Fitzpatrick