Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

He smiled. "How kind of you to confirm what I already know. Perhaps next you will introduce me to myself. I hear I am quite popular. -
Meredith Duran

Romance Quotes

He stepped down trying not to look long at her, as though she were the sun, yet he saw her as one sees the sun, without looking. -
Leo Tolstoy

Romance Quotes

He studied her lips like they were a riddle he desperately needed to solve. -
Amber Argyle

Romance Quotes

He suggested devils, skulls, harsh masculine drawings. This thing was…heart poundingly good. She wanted to pluck it, and bury her face in it, and keep it in a vase by her bedside. -
Charlotte Stein

Romance Quotes

He thoroughly intended to do some major grovelling. Olympic-style begging, if necessary. -
Christy Reece

Romance Quotes

He told me that when we first met, he had said to a friend about me: If I get that girl’s number I will never ask another girl for her number again. -
Kimberly Novosel