Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

In any relationship in which two people become one, the end result is two half people. -
Wayne W. Dyer

Romance Quotes

In one hundred years people will still remember our kind of love; a love that knows no bounds—that surpasses all reason—and will never, never die. (Loving Lily Lavender) -
DeAnna Kinney

Romance Quotes

In that one moment, I wrapped a thousand others. A lifetime of joy, sorrow, laughter, frowns, smiles, tears... life! -
Faraaz Kazi

Romance Quotes

In the morning, that moment, when I knew it was you. When I could feel you breathing and we opened our eyes at the exact same time. -
Kate Chisman

Romance Quotes

Innocence invites protection, yet we might be smarter to protect ourselves against it... -
Megan Johns

Romance Quotes

Inti dari hubungan adalah memiliki seseorang saat kita membutuhkannya". -
Lisa Kleypas