Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

I tell you all the time, you will never be able to replace me with a brass and steam contraption. - Charlotte - As Timeless As Stone -
Maeve Alpin

Romance Quotes

I think I love you, Bennett. Probably not relevant at the moment so no need to say thanks. -
Helene Young

Romance Quotes

I think people need hope when times are tough. I think they also need escape and adventure and fantasy. Books are like cheap mini vacations. -
Michelle M. Pillow

Romance Quotes

I thought then that you were the bravest girl I’d ever met, and nothing that’s happened since has changed my mind. -
Zoë Marriott

Romance Quotes

I understood the meaning of the word swoon — I had become the very definition. -
Lauren Blakely

Romance Quotes

I wait, with some impatience in my pulse, but no doubt in my breast. -
Charlotte Brontë