Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

Hermione turned and beamed at Harry; her eyes, too, were full of tears.‘…then I declare you bonded for life. -
J.K. Rowling

Romance Quotes

Hey, Max," I whispered. "I love you, too."The smile that lit up his face was brighter than the neon lights radiating from the London Eye. But mine felt even brighter.Like my future. -
Cassidy Calloway

Romance Quotes

Hey, Shayne said through the door. You going to stay in there all night, because we’re getting tired of trying to eavesdrop from out here. Can’t hear a damn thing. -
Jill Shalvis

Romance Quotes

His eyes are blazing with light, more light than all the lights in every city in the whole world, more light than we could ever invent if we had ten thousand billion years. -
Lauren Oliver

Romance Quotes

His eyes opened, and he stared at me. The morning light was streaming through the window,and my hair rolled in waves over either shoulder. God has smiled upon me. I have the most beautiful wife in all the land. -
Lisa Tawn Bergren

Romance Quotes

His hand snapped shut over the device and then he crossed his arms. Aria stared in horror. Her Smarteye was buried in a Neanderthal’s armpit. -
Veronica Rossi