Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

Sometimes, reality is the illusion, and the truth only visible where our eyes can’t see. - Lady Lalaigne -
Jeanine Henning

Romance Quotes

Sonetimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself. -
Sarah Sundin

Romance Quotes

Soon enough, Miner stopped caring who was watching - for a brief time, he and Ennek were a universe of two. -
Kim Fielding

Romance Quotes

Soulless. Banished. But never forgotten. -
Julie Kagawa

Romance Quotes

Stay here with me, Trishy. Don’t go back to your old life. Make a new one, here. With me. I know it’s a hell of a big thing I’m asking—but I’m asking. Stay.- Joe -
Toni Blake

Romance Quotes

Still, it’s almost too natural to rekindle Jongin’s smile with a tiny Hello, and somehow the syllables are perfect on his tongue, perhaps because he’s said it a thousand times already. Perhaps because they’re meant to be. -