Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

Two is always better than one. -
Missy Lyons

Romance Quotes

Un paraíso conseguido sin esfuerzo no entusiasma al creyente. -
Pío Baroja

Romance Quotes

Unconditional conditions are sometimes conditioned to conditionally exist. -
Awatef A

Romance Quotes

Unexpected Elizabeth wasn’t falling into his arms as he’d anticipated, even after he had acted heroic and been valiantly injured. Perhaps he had lost her. -
Kresley Cole

Romance Quotes

Unrequited love is so boring. Weeping under a blue-black sky is for suckers or maniacs. -
Alice Hoffman

Romance Quotes

Until meeting you, I wasn’t looking for anything at all. Since meeting you, I’m kind of looking for a girlfriend. -
Robyn Carr