Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

Roxanne Archer designed her strategy like a four-star general—or a stalker. -
Candace Schuler

Romance Quotes

Rule number one, all love starts with hate -
Alexander Stapelfeldt

Romance Quotes

Ryan Refereeing to Ian Somerhold:He Shits too, you know -
Tina Reber

Romance Quotes

Sadly, however, the sight of her generous D cups no longer sparked an ounce of interest from Little Sam, the man in charge of social activities. -
Sarah Mayberry

Romance Quotes

Sarah, honey, I hardly think kidnappers are going to take the time to buy a memento of their stay. I could be wrong, but it seems rather unlikely. -
Christine Feehan

Romance Quotes

Savannah, I’ve been talking my ass off for more than an hour now, telling you shit no one’s ever heard anything about, hoping that I’ll say something, Jesus God, anything that will convince you to have sex with me. -
Suzanne Brockmann