Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

He took in the squeaky music, the vulgar and pining melodies, because passion immobilizes good taste and seriously considers what soberly would be thought of as funny and to be resented. -
Thomas Mann

Romance Quotes

He tugged my zipper down like he was unveiling a gift, spreading my pants open. Yeah. There it is. You have a nice fat dick. I would have never guessed it." I’m Italian, I said inanely. -
L.B. Gregg

Romance Quotes

He walked hesitantly toward her and then wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug. You just looked like you needed one, he said. -
Maya Banks

Romance Quotes

He wanted to die. He prayed for it. Through the roar in his ears, he begged for it. -
V.S. Carnes

Romance Quotes

He wanted to paddle her himself, then shake her, then sit her down in a chair and explain to her why she must never, ever get herself in a situation where she could be shot at again—and then throw himself at her feet. -
Tara Janzen

Romance Quotes

He was gorgeous. Every feature on his face perfect, dark and inviting. The boy could be his own photo shoot." Kasey Reese - Men of the Cave -
Marisette Burgess