Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

Bringing Thoughts 2 Life -
Brooklen Borne

Romance Quotes

But eggshells were made to be broken, and slamming into a 100-story skyscraper at the speed of light would likely do the deed. -
Maureen A. Miller

Romance Quotes

But I hate to hear you talking so like a fine gentleman, and as if women were all fine ladies, instead of rational creatures. We none of us expect to be in smooth water all our days. -
Jane Austen

Romance Quotes

But I’ve learned that sometimes, somehow, no matter how much time we spend apart from the ones we care most about, our love for them never fades, for time apart only makes our love grow stronger. -
Rebecah McManus

Romance Quotes

But life could not be lived between the pages of a romance novel. -
Barbara Bell

Romance Quotes

But more importantly, know I love you more than I can say with simple words. Poets have attempted for centuries to find the perfect combination, and I don’t imagine I shall have more luck than they. -
Lissa Bryan