Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

He leaned in then and kissed me again, sweet and soft and tender, silencing my arguments and stealing my breath, making me wonder how one simple gesture could be so tragically lovely. -
Kimberly Derting

Romance Quotes

He leaned upon her as if there was no other support anywhere in the world, and she held him as if she would undertake no other task for all eternity. -
Sharon Shinn

Romance Quotes

He looked at me with serious eyes, but not the kind that made me wonder what I’d done wrong. The kind that made me wonder what I’d done right. -
Denise Jaden

Romance Quotes

He loved her.He wanted her.He needed her.And he needed her now. -
Julia Quinn

Romance Quotes

He loves her for everything she is and is not. She’s old enough to appreciate that. -
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney

Romance Quotes

He needed to gather her up, hold on to her, anything to help her stop trembling. Something was going to shake loose if she didn’t. -
Tara Janzen