Romance Quotes

Romance Quotes

His hands may have been the one to heal you, but it will be mine that awaken you. -
Charlotte Featherstone

Romance Quotes

His lordship and I are...opposite sides of very different coins. -
Emma Jensen

Romance Quotes

His right ear still held both studs, and I wondered who had the missing earring. I would have asked, but was afraid he’d tell me Ivy had it. -
Kim Harrison

Romance Quotes

His smile is like the sun rising huge and bright over the Siera Sangre. -
Rae Carson

Romance Quotes

His voice sounded like molten metal. As if he had something thick at the back of his throat and it was making him sound deeper and richer than he actually was. -
Charlotte Stein

Romance Quotes

His voice was like soothing melted chocolate. I wanted him to ooze his lovely voice all over my naked body. -
James Lusarde