Relationships Quotes

Relationships Quotes

She let him finish her sentences for her for so long that now he starts them too. -
David Mitchell

Relationships Quotes

She re-read his email four times, feeling offended and breathless, like he had casually grabbed her head and stuffed it into a pile of wet leaves. -
Molly Ringle

Relationships Quotes

She realized, when relationships failed to last, it was not because love was no longer present, but because people had stopped believing in themselves and in their partners. -
Christina Westover

Relationships Quotes

She refused to be one of those girls who fell for a pretty face that just white-washed a total jack-ass underneath. She could ogle, but she would not fall until she knew he deserved her. -
Kimberly Kinrade

Relationships Quotes

She understands suddenly that the stuff that fills her up is not the love or attention she might get from other people; it is the love she herself has for other people. We are, Portia decides, the people we love -
Jessica Anya Blau

Relationships Quotes

She was surprised at how deflating his presence was. -
Tom McNeal