Relationships Quotes

Relationships Quotes

An angry woman is a bitch. An angry man is strong, whereas, a sad man or a fearful man is a wimp. A sad or fearful woman is frail. -
Irene Tomkinson

Relationships Quotes

And I twisted it wrong just to make it rightHad to leave myself behind -
Ben Folds

Relationships Quotes

And if insight were sufficient, if the inner life were the whole of life, their happiness has been assured. -
E.M. Forster

Relationships Quotes

And the game of dominoes is much like life: You gotta play the bones you’ve pulled. It don’t matter if you got seven doubles in your damn hand. -
S.B. Redd

Relationships Quotes

Attitude determines Altitude.Winners never quit.No venture, No gain. -
Stella Oladiran

Relationships Quotes

Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you -
Rasheed Ogunlaru