Relationships Quotes

Relationships Quotes

Life is filled with rhythms-day and night, hot and cold, summer and winter, spring and fall, cloudy and clear. Likewise in a relationship, men and women have their own rhythms and cycles. -
John Gray

Relationships Quotes

Life, weddings, relationships, road trips, gardening, making out, haircuts: few of the fun things in life always go as expected. -
Ariel Meadow Stallings

Relationships Quotes

Like the continents, men and women were once connected, but they drifted apart. The evidence is still there, but you have to possess the determination of a mad archeologist to discover it. -
Joshua Emmet

Relationships Quotes

Like them you are tall and taciturn, and you are sad, all at once, like a voyage. -
Pablo Neruda

Relationships Quotes

Little girls fear being a princess that was never rescued but little boys fear being a prince that was too late. -
Tommy Tran

Relationships Quotes

Living a fulfilling relationship requires courage, nakedness and absolute fearlessness. -
Liliane Mavridara