Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Our first and last love is self-love. -
Christian Nestell Bovee

Love Quotes

Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them. -
Mother Teresa

Love Quotes

Our love was covered in fur, yet I was the only one who wanted to pet it. -
Jarod Kintz

Love Quotes

Pains of love be sweeter far than all other pleasures are. -
John Dryden

Love Quotes

Parents were the only ones obligated to love you; from the rest of the world you had to earn it. -
Ann Brashares

Love Quotes

Passion is when a person all of a sudden becomes terribly important. It is even more unfair when they become memorable. -