Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -
Friedrich Nietzsche

Love Quotes

Of course he loves me. I’m his sister. Blood isn’t love, said Magnus, and his voice was bitter. -
Cassandra Clare

Love Quotes

Of two hearts one is always warm and one is always cold: the cold heart is more precious than diamonds: the warm heart has no value and is thrown away. -
Graham Greene

Love Quotes

Often it is the most deserving people who cannot help loving those who destroy them. -
Hermann Hesse

Love Quotes

Oh to have you with me, to have you here, not to be alone, but to be with you, my beauty, you of all souls! You. -
Anne Rice

Love Quotes

Oh, Lizzy! do anything rather than marry without affection. -
Jane Austen