Love Quotes

Love Quotes

The greatest pleasure of life is love. -

Love Quotes

The hardest people to reach with the love of God are not the bad people. They know they are bad. They have no defense. The hardest ones to win for God are the self-righteous people. -
Charles L. Allen

Love Quotes

The heart can think of no devotionGreater than being shore to the ocean-Holding the curve of one position,Counting an endless repetition. -
Robert Frost

Love Quotes

The heart has a heart of its own. -

Love Quotes

The heart is a strange beast and not ruled by logic. -
Maria V. Snyder

Love Quotes

The heart may freeze, or it can burn. The pain will ease and I can learn. There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as, my last. -
Jonathan Larson