Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Hopeless heart that thrives on paradox; that longs for the beloved and is secretly relieved when the beloved is not there. -
Jeanette Winterson

Love Quotes

How absurd and delicious it is to be in love with somebody younger than yourself. Everybody should try it. -
Barbara Pym

Love Quotes

How come the only way to know how high you get me is to see how far I fall -
John Mayer

Love Quotes

How could I be sleeping with this particular man.... Surely only true love could justify my lack of taste. -
Margaret Atwood

Love Quotes

How we love others is affected by how we love ourselves, and for the first time in a long time, I was whole. -
Richelle Mead

Love Quotes

How we need another soul to cling to, another body to keep us warm. To rest and trust; to give your soul in confidence: I need this, I need someone to pour myself into. -
Sylvia Plath