Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. -
Robert Frost

Love Quotes

Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath. -
Emily Dickinson

Love Quotes

Love is as varied and unpredictable as the rain is: it comes in constant summer drizzles, or sudden, unforseen storms that make rivers burst their banks and Cornish fishing boats rock and spill and lose their crew in the Atlantic. -
Susan Fletcher

Love Quotes

Love is being honest with yourself at all timesbeing honest with the other person at all timestelling, listening, respecting the truthand never pretendingLove is the source of reality -
Susan Polis Schutz

Love Quotes

Love is being stupid together. -
Paul Valery

Love Quotes

Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes. -
Friedrich Nietzsche