Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things. -
Keanu Reeves

Love Quotes

Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense. -
Helen Rowland

Love Quotes

Falling In Love Is Like Owning A Dog.Throw things away and love will bring them back,again, and again, and again.But most of all, love needs love, lots of it.And in return, love loves you and never stops. -
Taylor Mali

Love Quotes

Falling in love is painful on the knees. -
Bon Jovi

Love Quotes

Falling in love was like falling off a cliff. It felt pretty much like flying until you hit the ground. -
Cinda Williams Chima

Love Quotes

Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love - now you are love. -