Life Quotes

Life Quotes

I am the sun who will bring delight when you are in-front of me. I am the moon who will show shyness when you are away from me. -
Santosh Kalwar

Life Quotes

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. -
E. B. White

Life Quotes

I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it. -
Garrison Keillor

Life Quotes

I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind. -
Albert Einstein

Life Quotes

I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear. -
Oprah Winfrey

Life Quotes

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party. -
Ron White