Life Quotes

Life Quotes

I want to Live! Not Die, Not Hide, LIVE! -
Margaret Peterson Haddix

Life Quotes

I want to see beauty. In the ugly, in the sink, in the suffering, in the daily, in all the days before I die, the moments before I sleep. -
Ann Voskamp

Life Quotes

I want to write a book so long that it will take the average person their whole life to read. It will be exactly the same length as the Bible. -
Jarod Kintz

Life Quotes

I want to write a poem about "Truth," "Honor," "Dignity," and whether the toilet paper should roll over or under when you pull on it. -
Jarod Kintz

Life Quotes

I want words at my funeral. But I guess that means you need life in your life. -
Markus Zusak

Life Quotes

I want you. I want you so badly I can’t stand it. When you left, it felt like the world got darker. Like I couldn’t truly see anything. Couldn’t feel anything. -
Rachel Vincent