Life Quotes

Life Quotes

Friends are the family you choose (~ Nin/Ithilnin, Elven rogue). -
Jess C. Scott

Life Quotes

Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing. -
Elie Wiesel

Life Quotes

Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. -
Baltasar Gracian

Life Quotes

From our first babblings to our last word,we make but one statement, and that is our life. -
Richard Paul Evans

Life Quotes

From too much love of living, From hope and fear set free, We thank with brief thanksgiving Whatever gods may be That no life lives for ever; That dead men rise up never; That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea. -
Algernon Charles Swinburne

Life Quotes

Frustration and Love can’t exist in the same place at the same time, so get real and start doing what you would rather be doing in life. Love your life. All of it. Even the heavy shit that happened to you when you were 8. All of it was and IS perfect. -
Jason Mraz