Life Quotes

Life Quotes

Sometimes just the tiniest allocation of time spent with a friend, imprints on your mind and gives you something to smile about for the rest of the week, month, or your life! -
Marcia Lynn McClure

Life Quotes

Sometimes letting go is simply changing the labels you place on an event. Looking at the same event with fresh eyes. -
Steve Maraboli

Life Quotes

Sometimes life is too hard to be alone, and sometimes life is too good to be alone. -
Elizabeth Gilbert

Life Quotes

Sometimes the right thing feels all wrong until it is over and done with. -
Alice Hoffman

Life Quotes

Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done. -

Life Quotes

Sometimes, I cannot control myself. Please do not blame me, its not me. Maybe it is someone who knows better about me. -
Santosh Kalwar