Life Quotes

Life Quotes

The world is like a mirror; frown at it, and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too -
Herbert Samuels

Life Quotes

the world is not a pleasant place to be without someone to hold and be held by. -
Nikki Giovanni

Life Quotes

The world is not to be put in order. The world is order. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this order. -
Henry Miller

Life Quotes

The world is three days: As for yesterday it has vanished along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work on it. -
Hasan Al-Basri

Life Quotes

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life. -
John F. Kennedy

Life Quotes

The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. -
Frances Willard