Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

Books didn’t make me wallow in darkness, darkness made me wallow in books. -
Jackson Pearce

Inspirational Quotes

Books have a way of finding their way into our lives, usually, right when we need them the most. -
Richard Denney

Inspirational Quotes

Boredom can be a lethal thing on a small island. -
Christopher Moore

Inspirational Quotes

Bring something incomprehensible into the world! -
Gilles Deleuze

Inspirational Quotes

But as I have noticed on more than one occaision, life itself is unfair, and there is no complaint department, so we might as well accept things the way they happen, clean up the mess, and move on. -
Jeff Lindsay

Inspirational Quotes

But life is a battle: may we all be enabled to fight it well! -
Charlotte Brontë