Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. -
Juan Ramon Jimenez

Inspirational Quotes

If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart. -
Oswald Chambers

Inspirational Quotes

If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed. -
Leo Tolstoy

Inspirational Quotes

If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves. -
Thomas A. Edison

Inspirational Quotes

If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example. -
Anne Frank

Inspirational Quotes

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. -
Anne Bradstreet