Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started. -
Henry Ward Beecher

Inspirational Quotes

We spend money that we do not have, on things we do not need, to impress people who do not care. -
Will Smith

Inspirational Quotes

We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls. -
Anaïs Nin

Inspirational Quotes

Well done is better than well said. -
Benjamin Franklin

Inspirational Quotes

Well-behaved women seldom make history. -
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Inspirational Quotes

Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us. -
L.M. Montgomery