Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

What we see depends mainly on what we look for. -
John Lubbock

Inspirational Quotes

What were once only hopes for the future have now come to pass; it is almost exactly 13 years since the overwhelming majority of people in Ireland and Northern Ireland voted in favour of the agreement signed on Good Friday 1998, paving the way for Northern Ireland to become the exciting and inspirational place that it is today. -
Queen Elizabeth II

Inspirational Quotes

What would come, would come...and you would have to meet it, when it did. -
J.K. Rowling

Inspirational Quotes

What you are or where you came from is not important. It is who you are and the choices you make, that determine who you will become. If you can look inward and be satisfied, the opinions of others should melt away. -
J.D. Stroube

Inspirational Quotes

What you do matters — but not much. What you are matters tremendously. -
Catherine de Hueck Doherty

Inspirational Quotes

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. -
Napoleon Hill