Humor Quotes

Humor Quotes

Rae burned me. She has matches or something. Look, look..." Tori pulled down the collar of her T-shirt. "Leave your cloths on, Tori," Simon said, raising his hands to his eyes. "Please. -
Kelley Armstrong

Humor Quotes

Razo hopped back up and adopted a posture that said he was completely unruffled, never had been, and in fact was ready to do something manly like lift boulders or swallow live worms. -
Shannon Hale

Humor Quotes

Reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books. -
Mary Ann Shaffer

Humor Quotes

Real life is sometimes boring, rarely conclusive and boy, does the dialogue need work. -
Sarah Rees Brennan

Humor Quotes

Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous. -
P.G. Wodehouse

Humor Quotes

Rejection is one thing - but rejection from a fool is cruel. -