Humor Quotes

Humor Quotes

She forces me to endure this ridiculous therapy, when the so-called counselors are little better than misguided do-gooders with degrees.-Artemis Fowl -
Eoin Colfer

Humor Quotes

She glanced down at the contents of her plate. Just tell him what it is. Simple. Look at it and say what it is. "Sloppy Joe," she managed."Hmm," he said, sounding doubtful. "May he rest in peace. -
Kelly Creagh

Humor Quotes

She had not made a decision to give up sex, only the clamor of romance, because it was exhausting her, doing her no good and too much harm... -
Michelle Herman

Humor Quotes

She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B. -
Dorothy Parker

Humor Quotes

She was not sorry. And if it was the wine telling her that, then she would tell the wine the same thing tomorrow. She was not sorry. -
Mary Balogh

Humor Quotes

She wondered if it was her stupid mother, the goddess of love, messing with her thoughts. If Piper started getting urges to read fashion magazines, she was going to have to find Aphrodite and smack her. -
Rick Riordan