Humor Quotes

Humor Quotes

My fore-parts, as you so ineloquently put it, have names." I pointed to my right breast. "This is Danger." Then my left. "And this is Will Robinson. I would appreciate it if you addressed them accordingly. -
Darynda Jones

Humor Quotes

My formula for life is very simple: in the morning, wake up; at night, go to sleep. In between I try and occupy myself as best I can. -
Cary Grant

Humor Quotes

My Head of House said I lacked certain necessary the ability to behave myself. -
J.K. Rowling

Humor Quotes

My head’ll explode if I continue with this escapism. -
Jess C. Scott

Humor Quotes

My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here. -
Jim Henson

Humor Quotes

My misery is reaching epidemic proportions. -
Libba Bray