Humor Quotes

Humor Quotes

It is one of the defects of my character that I cannot altogether dislike anyone who makes me laugh. -
W. Somerset Maugham

Humor Quotes

It isn`t premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married. -
Drew Carey

Humor Quotes

It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people. -
Neil Gaiman

Humor Quotes

It often happens that we blurt out things that may in some kind of way be harmful to us, but we are silent about things that may make us look ridiculous; because in this case effect follows very quickly on cause. -
Arthur Schopenhauer

Humor Quotes

It s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper. -
Jerry Seinfeld

Humor Quotes

It takes a lot of time to be a genius. You have to sit around so much, doing nothing, really doing nothing. -
Gertrude Stein