Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes

So much of how we think, feel, and live depends on our vision-what we choose to see in any given situation. -
Jocelyn Green

Hope Quotes

Sólo con una ardiente paciencia conquistaremos la espléndida ciudad que dará luz, justicia y dignidad a todos los hombres. Así la poesía no habrá cantado en vano. -
Pablo Neruda

Hope Quotes

Some want to be owned, and some want to be saved. Only some want to exist in the glow of contentment. -
Umair Naeem

Hope Quotes

Sometime in the near future, I pray that my faith can surpass the physical reality that appears in front of me and beyond me. -
Patricia Graham

Hope Quotes

Sometimes memory is the only gift we give ourselves and the only hope we have of finding our way home. -
Harley King

Hope Quotes

Sometimes people need to know they could be forgiven to have the strength to change. -
J. Leigh Bralick