Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes

I know how men in exile feed on dreams of hope. -

Hope Quotes

I know how men in exile feed on dreams of hope. -

Hope Quotes

I like the immaterial world. I like to live among thoughts and images of the past and the possible, and even of the impossible, now and then. -
Thomas Love Peacock

Hope Quotes

I look in the mirror through the eyes of the child that was me. -
Judy Collins

Hope Quotes

I might be a beast astray, with no sense of its environment, yet there was some meaning in my foolish life, something in me gave an answer and was the receiver of those distant calls from worlds far above. -
Hermann Hesse

Hope Quotes

I remember in treatment, Mr. Shaw told me that the alcohol and drugs never were my problem. He said the alcohol and drugs were my solution and that was my problem. And he was right. -
Ryan Winfield